I had a great day today. Getting ready to call it a day after walking 18 miles. I will need to walk 24 miles on the I-40 tomorrow to my next destination. The only alternative is a dirt road deep into reservation land. I have been advised by several individuals including the police who say not to go that way. 8 hours on the freeway does not sound like a good time.
Before I start my recap, the nice young woman who gave me water yesterday is named Kris. Her husband reached out last night and provided me her name. Thanks again both of you for the water.
Back to today. I walked through Budville and took a picture of the trading post. Thanks Doug Stroup for the info on that location.
As I was walking in the town of Paraje, I saw Pat out working in his yard while his son Chris was using a tractor with a loader moving rocks. I waved to Pat and we exchanged pleasantries. He asked me if I wanted some water. I am never one to turn down water. His daughter-in-law, Amber brought me out two bottles of water. We talked about the area for awhile. I was so impressed with generosity and kindness they showed. There plot was beautiful and a place I would be proud to call home. I even got to meet grandpa when he showed up. I really liked the area.
A little further down the road I met Garrett. Garrett pulled his truck over onto the shoulder and stopped in front of me. As I got closer, Garrett said, “I got food for you”. Garrett had seen me walking earlier, went home and brought me a bag of goodies. Inside the bag was two cold sodas, canned pears, apple sauce, refried beans, soup, coco crispies cereal, sardines and top ramen. Garrett even brought me a can opener. We talked for awhile about his past and what he was doing today. What a gift from a friendly man.
The walk today, as in other days, was beautiful and breathtaking. I took a bunch of pictures of the geography as it was spectacular.
I was fortunate to meet a sergeant from the Pueblo of Laguna Police Department. He advised me on my route tomorrow and suggested that I could stay near the police station tonight. Thank you as this will be awesome.
I went to 66 Pit Stop and had the most incredible hamburger. It was a hand made patty with green chilies and everything else. It was so juicy. I savored every. It took me at least 30 minutes to eat. It was awesome. As I was there, I met Santiago who asked me what I was doing. After our conversation, he asked me if I like Coca Cola. He then handed me a large can. Thank you.
The other day when I met Andres who was riding his bicycle on Route 66, he said that Mesita was the most beautiful place he saw so far. He was not kidding. What a gorgeous view coming down the hill. The police station is in Mesita.
So I made it to the station and Polly showed me where I can set up for the night. I am done for today. What another great day.