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In the Beginning


Updated: May 5, 2019

It is Thursday, May 9, 2019. I am starting the coast to coast journey. I hope to converse with numerous people about God and Cops.

This is a journey I have wanted to do for some time. Having recently retired from law enforcement, I have a passion for the work that the men and women. It is a profession that I am proud to have participated in for over 30 years. I look back over my years and I thank God for the wonderful days I had. I am saddened by the atmosphere that prevelant in the media when pertaining to law enforcement. I hope to have the ability and words to spread the good work that law enforcement does.

"For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37

As I venture out on this journey, I will be taking God with me. I am a broken man and need all the help I can get. This verse above will be with me during my travels. I am physically challenged with a knee and hip replacement. Many people have said I am crazy for attempting this. This verse will carry me through my trials and tribulations.


I hope to be able to write on a regular basis about my experiences during this journey. A few years back, I read "Wild at Heart" by John Eldridge. I decided to do my walkabout with God and walked from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles. I learned a lot. Most importantly that I was not listening to God. I was asking for help and I did not pay attention. As a result, I missed out on gifts from people that I did not correlate as assistance from God.

I hope not to make that mistake on this journey.



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I have recently retired after 30 years in law enforcement and a few years in the private sector. I have always enjoyed walking form place to place.  One of my favorite assignments was working overtime in our tourist area.  It was a blast to walk around for about 7 hours throughout the Downtown area.

In 2016, I read a book, "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.  In November of 2016, I decided to do my "walkabout" with God from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles.  I had a blast walking along the Pacific Coast.  It was a beautiful experience.  I learned so many things on this walk.  The main lesson was God was talking to me, I just was not listening.  He was there with me on my walk, I just was not realizing the signs.

I have always been intrigued about walking the PCT, AFT, the Continental Divide and Appalachian Trial.  The one trip that stuck out with me was walking across the United States.

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